Cell Phone Radiation New  

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How Much Radiation Does Your Phone Emit?

Cellphones emit varying levels of radiation, depending on make and model. (Lisa Poole/Associated Press)The technology news site CNET has compiled two interesting lists showing which cellphones give off the most and the least radiation.
In publishing the information, CNET editors note the data aren’t meant to imply that cellphone radiation poses a risk, nor is it meant to say that the phones are safe. As I recently reported in my Well column last week, the data on cellphone safety is mixed, although a few recent international studies have suggested a link with three types of brain tumors. The Food and Drug Administration also says there’s not enough information to determine conclusively whether cellphones are safe or unsafe.
The charts focus on the specific absorption rate, or SAR, of a cellphone, which is a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency energy that is absorbed by the body, according to CNET.
For a phone to pass F.C.C. certification, that phone’s maximum SAR level must be less than 1.6 W/kg (watts per kilogram). In Europe, the level is capped at 2 W/kg, while Canada allows a maximum of 1.6 W/kg. The SAR level listed in our charts represents the highest SAR level with the phone next to the ear as tested by the F.C.C. Keep in mind that it is possible for the SAR level to vary between different transmission bands and that different testing bodies can obtain different results. Also, it’s possible for results to vary between different editions of the same phone (such as a handset that’s offered by multiple carriers).
Four Motorola phones top the list, with the V195s putting out the maximum 1.6 W/kg. The popular BlackBerry Curve 8330 rounds out the No. 5 spot. To see the full top 10 list, click here.
The list of lowest-radiation cellphones includes the LG KG800 and the Motorola Razr V3x, which put out 0.135 W/kg and 0.14 W/kg, respectively. To see all the lowest radiation phones, click here.
If you don’t see your phone on the list, the site includes lists of cellphones by brand name. My iPhone was listed under “other” brands, but I was interested to learn that its SAR number is 0.974.
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1.June 11th,
4:36 pm TPP, why should anyone really care? You’re not buying this idiocy that cell phones cause brain cancer, are you???

Between this and your vaccine/autism kick, I think you’ve been reading too much Joseph Mercola. This serves only to whip up unproductive anxiety and to take away the spotlight from prevention issues that really have a solid medical and scientific basis.

— Posted by jack
2.June 11th,
4:46 pm I would be most appreciative if you would do a little research on the issue of using earpieces (not Bluetooth). Do they increase, decrease, or have no effect upon the amount of radiation to the brain. Thanks so much, karen in portland

— Posted by karen berry
3.June 11th,
5:27 pm I think using the word “radiation” is unnecessarily alarmist and will make people think of atomic radiation, which is not produced by cell phones. Many kinds of energy travel as radiation: sound, heat, light, cosmic ray particles, and the electromagnetic waves we use for communication.
How about the more neutral and perfectly accurate “radio waves” or “radio wave energy”?

— Posted by Brian R Stanley, MD
4.June 11th,
6:42 pm Ditto the need for data on earpieces and Bluetooth.

— Posted by Senalishia
5.June 11th,
6:53 pm As Donnie Brasco would have said, forgetaboutit!

Here is, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, one easily avoidable and definitely lethal source of radiation exposure:

“The effective doses from diagnostic CT [computer tomography] procedures are typically estimated to be in the range of 1 to 10 mSv. This range is not much less than the lowest doses of 5 to 20 mSv received by some of the Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs.”

This is what one gets (5 to 10 mSv) while having abdominal CT scan for virtual colonoscopy, angiography, or routine “body scan” in the name of cancer and heart disease prevention.

According to the same source, “A CT examination with an effective dose of 10 millisieverts (abbreviated mSv; 1 mSv = 1 mGy in the case of x rays.) may be associated with an increase in the possibility of fatal cancer of approximately 1 chance in 2000. This increase in the possibility of a fatal cancer from radiation can be compared to the natural incidence of fatal cancer in the U.S. population, about 1 chance in 5.”

This information is provided by the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, and analyzed in depth on my site.

Cell phone me worry? Nope…

Konstantin Monastyrsky

— Posted by Konstantin Monastyrsky
6.June 11th,
7:09 pm Is there a comparable list for cordless phones?

FROM TPP — I don’t know of one although perhaps readers do. I dont’ think we have cordless phones at our ear nearly as much as cell phones.

— Posted by Peter Silverman
7.June 11th,
7:12 pm Cell phone users face more danger plowing into a light pole while driving than they do from the booga booga of cell phone radiation. If this story is, in fact, true, then the people whose brains get cooked from their cell phones a) did not lose much and b) deserved it for driving the rest of us crazy with their yapping in theaters and restaurants.

— Posted by G H Waite
8.June 11th,
7:22 pm What happens to truth when an unreliable source parrots a thought-to-be reliable source? The “in-depth analysis” is sure to be a nightmare.

That being said, with a greater than 1 in 5 risk personally (due to some youthful indiscretions) I’m not too concerned about a theoretical risk from a source without a known mechanism of injury (I’m referring to medium- and long-wave radiation here) like my cellphone.

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A History of Cellular Telephone Development

Now a days cellular communication has become a part of human life the trends of mobile communication is as follows

1920s - 1940s

Research on frequency characteristics at Bell Labs

Edwin H. Armstrong invents frequency modulation in 1935.

Motorola develops the world's first hand-held portable two-way radio system, the Handie-Talkie.

AT&T introduces a mobile radiotelephone service in St. Louis in 1946. Calling is manual (operator invoked) and is half-duplex (i.e., requires that users "push to talk.").


The cellular concept "materializes from nowhere" at Bell Labs. The use of low powered transmitters in cells permits greater capacity since frequencies can be reused in non-adjacent cells without cross-talk audio interference. The smaller the cells, the more often frequencies can be reused. Handoff is required when mobile units move between cells.

The FCC approves citizens' band radio (CB) service. The rapid expansion of this service and the demand for hand-held CB radio units fueled the development of portable radio units.


The FCC declines to allocate significant frequencies for mobile radio.

Bell Labs Scientists & Engineers continue low level of investigation into the cellular concept and publish a number of internal papers.


The FCC denies new spectrum for mobile radio, but convenes the "Advisory Committee for Land Mobile Radio Services" to examine the congestion in land mobile telephony.

AT&T "dusts off" cellular concept and begins serious work on it again.

AT&T develops mobile telephone service for the Amtrak Metroliner. It was a primitive forerunner of today's cellular systems, in which calls were handed off from base to base as the train progressed, triggered by sensors along the tracks.

The FCC opens Docket 18262 (known as the "Cellular Docket")


The FCC reallocates 115 MHz in the upper portion of the TV UHF band and sets aside new frequencies (64 MHz) for "land mobile communication." A decade of legal disputes over who gets what ensues.

The FCC authorizes AT&T to test the cellular concept in real urban conditions in Newark and Philadelphia.

Patent 3663762, MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, applied for by Bell Labs.

Bell Labs files its classic "High-Capacity Mobile Telephone System Feasibility Studies and System Plan" report to the FCC. The report covered not only the technology of a cellular system, but service features, coverage, capacity growth, customer opinions on quality, and costs as well.

Bell Labs develops a microprocessor- based handoff system with fully digital switching. Low-cost frequency synthesizers are also developed.

The FCC grants experimental licenses and decides to authorize construction of two developmental systems: one in Chicago (licensed to Illinois Bell) and a second serving Baltimore, Md. and Washington, DC (licensed to American Radio Telephone Service Inc. (ARTS), now Cellular One, in partnership with Motorola).

The first commercial cellular system is installed in Tokyo by NTT in 1979.


The Nordic countries introduce a mobile phone system similar to AMPS in 1981.

The FCC adopts rules creating a commercial cellular radio telephone service.

On October 13, 1983, the pilot commercial cellular system of Illinois Bell begins operating in Chicago. The second pilot system run by ARTS in partnership with Motorola begins operation in Baltimore/Washingto n on December 16, 1983.

By 1984, Washington, DC has two competing cellular providers,

By 1988, many cellular systems (particularly New York and Los Angeles) are already becoming overloaded as the promise of nearly infinite expansion of capacity from cell splitting turns out to be more costly and difficult than foreseen.


Cellular construction permits have been issued for at least one system in every market in the United States.


Cellular Subscriber count tops 10 million.


Bell Labs engineers Joel Engel and Richard Frenkiel win National Medal of Technology for their work in cellular telephony.

Irwin Jacobs, CEO of Qualcomm, wins the National Medal of Technology for Qualcomm's development of CDMA.


Cellular Subscriber count tops 25 million.

The PCS frequency bands are approved by the FCC(Federal communication Commission)
, launching new competitors to existing cellular systems.


Cellular Subscriber count tops 50 million

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